kena tag!!


first time kena tag O__o"
takpe lah, sebab Kak WM dah buat tol, jadi saya pun kena bayar sikit. huhu.. (padahal ada quiz esok!)

5 gifts:
1. me = nihlah = gift ^__^ hehehe
1. ziarah & beribadah di Masjid al-Haram, Masjid an-Nabawi, Masjid al-Aqsa
2. pembebasan umat Islam dari kuffar & zionis laknatullah!
3. academic scholarship (tapi kena naikkan pointer! O__o")
4. hilangnya penyakit bergelar sakit kepala dari atas muka bumi ni. urm, i'm exaggerating.
5. menikah secepat mungkin (heh heh =P)

5 reasons for the above:
1. i REALLY want to go! pergi ke sana adalah salah satu cara utk lebih mendekatkan diri pada Rabb, kan?
2. they're destroying lives! fighting them is an obligation, right? jom kejar pahala!
3. i don't want to burden other people with things i need
4. 8 years of headaches is, without doubt, 'cracking' my brain. i need at least a break! for me, and for all who suffer!
5. kenapa? tak boleh ke??? -O__O-

5 impression to the ones that I admire:
1. draw me closer to my Creator
2. nice to everyone, respected by everybody
3. knowledgable and 'full of wisdom'
4. capable of making me really do as they say & want
5. honest, in whatever situation

Best thing he ever did for me:
he conveyed the very important message to us,
he taught us how to live this life,
he loved us as his brothers,
and he cared for us even until his last breath..

5 greatest inventions:
1. urm, do Allah's creations count? - human, and every single entity of this whole universe
2. artificial intelligence (robots, computers, etc)
3. microprocessors & microcomputers
4. multimedia with superb graphics, animations & sounds
5. stargate & ancient warships including puddle jumpers. (ahaha!!! i'm a fan of this science fiction movie since i was a kid!)

5 most hated:
1. those who go against Islam
2. headache
3. orang 'bayang-bayang' yang tak diundang
4. nightmares badan orang kena kerat-kerat
5. loneliness

i tag:
1. Anisah Ali
2. Paan a.k.a. Farhana Norazman
3. Mujahid (but i doubt he'll do this =P)
4. Tuan Azmil
5. kamu yg terfikir "alaa kenapa takde nama saya???" ^__^


Maryam said…
menikah secepat mungkin? waahhh bagus! :D
Anonymous said…
Tunggu BF masuk internet dulu.. Nanti moja tu bleh kerap update.. Hehe.
cikEff said…
nanti ana suruh die buat!
[ Nazihah ] said…
Ada nama course saya kat tag awk O_o mcm seronok tp menakutkan.Ibu saya dulu pernah migrain yg sgt teruk, awk pernah try homeopaty?Sebab ia bekesan pd ibu..Semoga Allah permudahkan segala urusan ^_^
Dr Anisah Ali said…
Menikah secepat mungkin!!
Hee hee.

Macamana nak main tag-tag ni.
Ana duk fikir lama dah ni.
kena jawab gak ke tol itu??
hmm akan dipertimbangkan :P
Anonymous said…
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