cutest twins in the world ;)
Ismail Johari (left) and Ishaq Johari (right)
Today's coversation between Nihlah Johari & Basma Johari:
BJ: Ni Ismail ke Ishaq?
NJ: Emm... Kite pun tak reti bezakan... ** while looking at both **
BJ n NJ together ->
NJ: Eh.. Ni Ishaq.. ** pointing to Ishaq **
BJ: Ha ni Ismail kan? ** pointing to Ismail **
NJ: Sebab dye ade luka kat tangan.
BJ: Hehehh.. Kite tengok perut dye oh.
And everyone laughed.
Yeah... They never rejected food or drinks you know. From junkies to vegies... ^_^"
-Ismail Johari-
Auntie Mimi, I'll email the pics to you ;)