
Showing posts from 2012

a tribute to my class, 2012

Hmm... There's a big probability that I won't become their class teacher in 2013. But hey! It doesn't mean we shall move apart & totally go our own ways, right? Keep in touch girls :) and be good!

mr. horrible headache

Wow! It has been nearly 3 months since I last blogged! Things are moving really fast, and, the truth is, I'm really not sure if my physical body is coping up well. Since I conceived my inshaAllah 2nd child four months ago, I'm been dragged down with headache attacks many, many times. And dragged down hard. If can say, the frequency increased from monthly or fortnightly to weekly - 4 to 6 days in a row - and excruciatingly painful. Yes, it means I hardly had a clear day, as far as I could remember... Until... I went elsewhere. Not for a break, but for work! I guess it must be the low level of pollution in the mountains of Cameron Highlands, and the cold breeze, plus fresh air coming into my window all the time. Subhanallah. For 4 days, I only had a slight trigger after trying out a glass of milk, which I 'counter-attacked' by draining plain water inside me. At other times, I was moving fresh up and about. No walking zombie. However back to reality, as I hit ba...

how far can patience go?

Migraine attack for more than 24 hours already. Plus all the stress, and gastric pains. Doctor said I should try my best to avoid any drug at this time. All causing nausea and vomiting. And don't tell me, I will tell you, I always get that even when I'm not pregnant, even before I got married. I'm planning to do something on the 14th year anniversary of my secret marriage with Mr. Migraine.. The idea is still under construction so it's still a secret. hohoho... actually, I've been planning to divorce him many times, but things just didn't work out and I'm still stuck with him practically at least once or twice a month for countless of days... well it's actually countable but not remember-able. anyways, I've been wondering, how does expecting mothers wait, and be patient, and face the uncertain future when the doctor announced that the baby's having some developmental problem.  I know a dear friend - not so close to me - who actual...

parents' love?

i couldn't believe i actually shed some tears for some kids when i got home, and the whole idea bugged my head the whole night. earlier yesterday, they told me, someone said to them "i know your parents don't give you love at home, and you come to school seeking attention from teachers". believe me or not, those words did not come with sympathetic tones, as the kids described it, but it sounded more like an insult. and i doubt those words come from a sympathetic heart. or maybe those words did come from a sympathetic heart but with a completely wrong tone at the wrong time. i won't say i grow up with lack attention from my parents, they indeed have done everything they could to ensure my siblings and i grow up well with the best education n life we could ever get. but hearing that from the kids really stabbed my heart. my mind raced to the time when i was at their age. how could someone simply reassure you that you're not getting enough love from your p...

my students

ah, somehow i haven't put up any pictures of my students, right? here we go :) well, ya, if you look at each of them carefully u can see several other teachers as well :) i've officially taught them since May 2011. that's more than a year now, alhamdulillah. i have yet to retrieve my picture with my other class. will update them soon, inshaAllah :)

eid 2012 :)

Eidul-Fitr 2012

Ikram turns 2!

Ikram Fakhri's 2nd year of adventure. 12 April 2012

Ikram sleep-eating

okay, i've decided to post some things now :) Ikram @ 2 yrs 2 mnths He was so tired during lunch after swimming for quite a long time after breakfast.

sapu habuk je..

wow. i'm finally back typing. i've been wanting to blog about many things but just couldn't get the chance to sit or even sign into this blog! nak sapu habuk je! hihi! thanks for dropping by ;)


today someone bluntly accused me. i really feel like slapping her face (good thing she was not in front of me), but alhamdulillah my first words were spoken with some friendly intonations. for the next three hours, i had to use all my energy to calm down.. earlier in the morning, i nearly got furious with some people who seemed to be very laid back in carrying out tasks. you know, like, when you give out some tasks n expect it to be done, or if not at least report back as soon as possible that some tasks were not carried out - for whatever reason.. with "ok ok takpe" i put down the phone n clenched my fists. for the next hour, i just feel like finding everyone's flaws. i'm exhausted. really exhausted. mentally, emotionally, and especially physically. i'm certainly not blaming this Ramadhan for not being able to eat, but i just know that i'm simply not physically fit. i really don't know what to do. eating right - and do what newlife teaches me - is...

accident lagi

kali ni, orang yang langgar saya. Volkswagen ok. alhamdulillah owner nya peramah (macam saya hahahaha). sorry punya sorry, dia bagi business card dia untuk contact dia bila nak polish / paint / etc. it was just a big scratch, i won't make a big deal out of it. plus, i immediately reflected upon my previous encounter with a similar accident. that guy was nice and humble, so just forgive lah. not that i've been keeping my car shiny and scratchless pun selama ni..


Izanagi - and the loop repeats itself... how i just wish all this headache that's been bugging my life since i was 11, is all part of Itachi's izanagi and it's nothing but a genjutsu - illusion


fuh. dah lama tak rasa marah sampai menggigil tangan kaki rasa nak sepak terajang orang. apa lagi hati yg membara. pagi tadi saya terlanggar kereta orang. tak kemek pun. calar ciput aje, sebelah belakang kanan. tapi mamat tu marah-marah apasal orang suka langgar keter dia. memang bumper belakang dia berbekas langgar few places & plate no dah pecah sikit. ada event punya pasal, saya bagi phone no kat orang tu. *silap saya lah, tp mmg takde choice sbb takde duit langsung dlm purse* as expected, mamat tu sms, kata nak cat bumper dia. pergh. saya rasa calar tu polish aje pun dah ok kot. tak boleh, cat dah tercabut. saya tak suka tipu orang, pasal hal kecil susah saya nak menjawab di hari kemudian. macam tu encik cat the whole bumper, sy bayar separuh. pastu mula la songeh dia sana sini, questioning my integrity for not wanting to take responsibility after hitting his car. come on, i will pay for my mistake. but my mistake does not even contribute 50% to how his bumper i...

health retreat, day 6

No More Pain Killers. Y E S ! No more pain killers, inshaAllah! My good friend Mar certainly have put the words right! GO BACK TO NATURE, NO MORE PAIN KILLER. InshaAllah. God willing, as we translate it for our Christian friends every time we mention the arabic words in remembrance and praises to Allah. I'm actually nervous to back home. I really want to be able to continue on living a normal life, but implementing some big changes - a healthy life style. Sam, a guy only few months younger than me yet so health concious always mentioned, "It's always about the choice you make. You can induldge, you can always have a treat day! Of course everyone needs a treat day! Just make a concious decision every time you want to eat." That is exactly one thing I like with Newlife. I can eat all I want, and then I can just do a 7-day detox. LOL. No lah, it will be quite expensive to do that... It's great to have such a wonderful, supportive family, especially my...

health retreat, day 5

Oh, today is NO-SOLIDS day. They provide those salads, fruits and potato soup, but they told us to not touch them as much as we could. I hope I'll be fine with that. I haven't been eating a lot since the 2nd day anyway. Just half bowl of salad n a bowl of soup. That was it. I'm not a huge fan of salad anyway, but I do like them, because they're just Gooooood :) Bluffing!!! I mean the no-solids thing. Believe me or not, they did not just serve normal fruits, salads and potato soup... They actually baked a whole-meal bread, and served it with a yummy home-made peanut butter!!! It's incredibly yummy after 4 days of tasteless food! I took one small piece (like a tiger-biscuit size), and another piece, and then I had to ask permission whether I can take another one! Hahaha!!! I've never felt sooo.. irresistable to food! Home-made Peanut Butter: Peanuts, Flaxseed Oil & Honey After the talk, there were some remaining bread, and I took another piece!!! -__-...

health retreat, day 4

This morning I keep wondering: How much waste could my body possibly be storing up until recently! Especially with the fact that the only solids I'm taking now is 100% salads, fruits and vegetable soup. Everything today was good except for one. I over-slept in the afternoon and skipped 1 drink, and I woke up to a very bad gastric pain and wind. I was practically rolling on the bed and couldn't even sit up straight. Auntie Nik, my roommate, ordered a yoghurt for me. I just scooped everything up into my mouth. My tummy felt much better, so I did another detox. More waste came out! I just couldn't imagine what does it look like inside me. All the toxins and wastes. No wonder I had this little red spots on my hands and feet couple of years ago, for a couple of weeks on and off, for few years. They're like tiny blood clots everywhere, under the skin. So I guess I really have to stop taking apple cider vinegar to prevent from gastric attacks. I took another small ...

health retreat, day 3

Today was quite a challenge for me. I woke up feeling about, hmm... shall I say, maybe about 75% of myself compared to yesterday. I think I had a good night sleep, but maybe something went wrong somewhere. I remember half-waking several times during the night finding a position that will allow blood to flow regularly to my hands and feet. I get that nearly every night, you know, the 'semut-semut' feeling... Anyways, my head was also quite dizzy, so I did not join the morning walk which I wanted to actually do. My tummy has also been grumbling the whole day. Both detox session didn't went good for me too *cries*. Nevertheless, I'm not giving up! Yosh!!!~ Kasih Sayang Health Resort & Spa Oh, before I forgot. I told you we are having several health talks, right? This morning it was all about organic plants and fruits and identifying good foods and all the nutritional information comes in. Dr. Lynn was mentioning about how pesticides have successfully control...

health retreat, day 1 & 2

Kota Kinabalu, Sabah 12 & 13 March 2012 I am right now experiencing an incredibly miraculous health retreat, mainly consisting of detoxification & rejuvenation of the body. On the first day, I got a headache attack on the plane and it just got worse every minute. I was walking like a zombie and closed my eyes every time I had the chance to do so. I felt nausea all the way, couldn't even focus to talk to people or enjoy the cold breeze and beautiful scenery of the mountains. While everyone ate their last lunch before the health retreat officially started, I was curled up on bed with my arms around my head, wondering if coming here was the right thing to do. Despite the pain, I got up, and the health retreat started. Suddenly, after 10 minutes of detox, I could feel blood flowing well into my head and all the numbness and throbbing disappeared! Subhanallah, it's totally a miracle from Allah. I've never had anything so quick and effective in eliminating the...

feel like crying ... again ...

i still have no idea how mothers juggle work and house chores. many told me, learn from your mom. but for some silent reasons, that just doesn't work!

chicken pox attack !!!

today is the 6th day. the dots are drying up, which is a good sign. but i guess its more itchy than the past few days.. poor little boy. but alhamdulillah, Ikram manage to communicate his needs nowadays. he'll point where he's feeling itchy here and there, he can say "mama, sakit pewut..." and more. he talks a lot these days and he loves to sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star! ada orang comment: SAGE MODE !! hahaha~ see! why on the third day of attack i was doubting whether it was really chicken pox or something more nasty. today he's itching badly, and tantrum since 5 a.m. in the morning.. syafakallah..

public speaking

Do you remember your first experience standing in front doing public speaking or a presentation? I do, mine was horrible, and I decided that it will be one of the top three things i will hate for the rest of my life. I remember standing up on the small stage in front of nearly a hundred of my schoolmates and teachers with absolute nervousness. As much as I wanted to show total confidence, both of my hands trembled, one holding the microphone and the other holding a piece of paper. I am sure I saw the youngest of my classmate who stood right in front of me grinned as he saw how nervous I was. I was a school prefect back then, and it was compulsory for each of us to take turns giving tazkirah during the school assembly on Mondays. I do not remember what was I talking about, but I obviously did not deliver a good talk. And I decided, I hate speaking in public. As I grow up, small training sessions come in my way, but informally. I received my Black Belt TaeKwon-Do degree and ...