11th April 2006 Ahah… We had our first trip elsewhere to practice our Arabic. It’s our tutors’ house. Oh btw, our tutors are Ustaz Marwan and his wife Ala’. Ala’ is a couple of years older than me and yes, younger than Kak Maziah and Cik Nurul. Anyways, we didn’t expect Ala’s family to be so welcoming and friendly. They’re ‘Ammatu Khadijah (Ala’s mother oh she was very glad when we call her ‘ammatu), Noor (she’s my age), Ruba and Lina (both still in high school) and Yasmin (Ala’s sister-in-law). We cooked together from the beginning till the meal was served. Kupas bawang n potong bawang [tak nak pedih mata, siler rendam bawang2 tu dulu), basuh ayam [diorg basuh guna lemon + tepung sikit], dan sebagainye… Masak nasi ayam + minyak arab – qidrah namenye. And yea, dah sehari dok dengan orang-orang Arab ni, macam-macam yg diborakkan. Lintang-pukang jugak kitorang cakap Arab. Haha… Tapi ade berusaha jugak la. Borak-borak pasal nasyid, pasal makanan, hmm ape lagi ekk… Haaa… Ade jugak di-remin