gambar2 best ^__^
hehehe... highlighter Paan yg best XD
EIM mmg banyak guna highlighter!!
one of CIE core subjects yg sgt menulis & melukis!!
and of course, membaca~ O__o*
from Gombak -> KLCC
pastu ada makan2..
dapat hadiah chopsticks
"friends are like chopsticks. they need each other"
saya pakai baju macam nak pegi kenduri sbb mmg patutnye nak pegi Kuantan utk walimah Kak Maziah yg chumeyl, tapi takde tiket.. lupa time cuti sekolah!! huwaaaa T__T
makan-makan ^__^
abah & tikki suka sangat
me??? O__o* i dont eat kerang, lala, oyster, siput laut... bla bla bla
kesimpulannye semua yg ade shells lah!!
oh, kecuali ketam (and it's not really in a shell kot??)..
tu je.. hehe..