Want some oil-less keropok lekor ? Got some in your freezer but using air-fryer will make them dry and hard to chew? Here's the tips: 1. Take them out of the freezer 2. Defrost / soak them in warm water to separate each piece. 3. If it 's still frozen, dip it in boiling water for a few seconds; if not, hot water is enough. 4. Toss away the water. 5. Cut it into smaller pieces. You can also cut it before Step 3 if you want. 5. 'Fry' the keropok lekor inside the air-fryer for 10 minutes, at 180 degrees Celcius. Kalau ada yang KEMPUNAN tapi TAK TAU KAT MANA NAK BELI YG SEDAP KAT KL ni, boleh beli dari kawan saya
whoa.. i read my previous posts and looked back at what i've done since the beginning of this semester.. and guess what??? 1st week of pregancy: - i was called to help out with the props for COVER GIRL theatre performance. lifted up chairs, tables, heavy props, etc! 2nd week: - had a not-very-active week, but trained for the upcoming Engineering Sports Carnival a couple of times. 3rd week: - i played table tennis for the Electrical & Computer Engineering (ECE) department and got 3rd place! 4th week: - did pregnancy test and the result was negative. so i eagerly participated in the "world's most dreadful camp", PERKASA 2009. walked and hiked for at least 15 kilometres in 3 days, cut bamboo poles using a blunt parang to prepare for dinner and set up bonfire for the night! i got exhausted throughout the following week and only attended few classes. 5th week: - super-duper exhausted 6th week: - found out that i was actually pregnant! started taking folic acid for my ...
nah, untuk guru-guruku, Terima Kasih Guru Pendidik! ^__^ the idea came up last minute. i actually wanted to just dedicate the song, but then it's like too lame (living in this era of technology). haha.. so i searched for my pictures back-ups - stored in like, urm, 10 CDs - copied relevant pictures to my just-recently-formatted laptop, and did the piece.. i really hope you will like it ^__^ please leave some comments ya ;) p/s: i'm very sorry coz i don't have the pics of some teachers.. especially Teacher Rasyidah & Teacher Revina T__T also Teacher Salmi & Teacher Azimah..
kte ade video animasi masa perkasa aritu.. x full, tp cukup la nengok gaya2 yg chumeyl hehe... ^__^