
Showing posts from August, 2006

30 Ogos 2006

HOPE HOPE HOPE HOPE HOPE HOPE HOPE HOPE HOPE Otak dan hatiku kini tidak dapat melarikan diri dari kerisauan yang menekan kerana ternyata diri ini tidak berusaha sebanyak yang mungkin untuk menjayakan program ini... Ya Allah,,, tenangkanlah hati ini........ Mudahkanlah jalan ini............... Hmm... Tidak ada apa-apa yang menarik untuk diceritakan buat masa sekarang... Merdeka juga tidak menarik perhatianku. Walaubagaimanapun, kita sepatutnya bersyukur kerana negara ini telah merdeka dari penjajahan. Semoga berada di bawah naungan perlindungan Allah swt... Beberapa rakan-rakan roommates saya yang sering berkunjung ke bilik saya pula asyik membicarakan tentang pertandingan di antara Siti dan Mawi. Jauh lebih membosankan. Walaupun tidaklah rancak mana... "Great minds talk about ideas, average minds talk about events, SMALL MINDS TALK ABOUT PEOPLE". Well, I can't blame them for making these celebrities an issue, and I'm not saying that they have small minds- uh-uhh... ...

Bersamamu Palestin!!!~

Hari itu dalam sejarah Malaysia... Saya tak rasa humanitarian-oriented event sebegini pernah diadakan di atas muka bumi Malaysia selama sejak saya dilahirkan... Oh! The event was excellent! We planned to depart right after Asar prayers, but due to many reasons, we departed from IIUM main campus at about 6:30 p.m. on Sunday, 20th August 2006. Read al-Ma'thurat together in the car. Reached Senawang at about 8:10 p.m., and immediately headed for Maghrib n Isya' prayers (jama' & qasar)... Departing - Palestine flag on both sides of the van. - barisan akhawat - *** Giant Senawang punye tempat solat tak practical langsung, abistu kene solat kat parking lot... sigh -_-" *** one-fourth of the audience... - barisan ikhwah - ramai lagi, tapi yg ni je muat masuk. ... no comment ..., ade, rugi sangat kpd semua tak pegi... (termasuklah yg bagi alasan ade quiz or class awal pagi esoknye) bacaan ikrar yg diketuai oleh Saudara Safwan, naib pengerusi GEMA Palestin Ikrar Soli...

HOPE: Palestine Revisited

We cordially invite you to HOPE: PALESTINE REVISITED 2nd September 2006 A seminar featuring Dr. Daud Abdullah Matthias Chang Prof. A. B. Kopansky Ustaz Maszlee Malik a preview of a Palestinian Documentary Film “Jenin, Jenin” Date: 2nd September 2005 Venue: Dewan Merdeka, PWTC, Kuala Lumpur. Time: 8:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. Tickets: RM 30 & RM 50 *no meals provided Organized by ADNI Alumni Association In conjunction with Al-Quds Day of 21st August H aven O f P eace & E ducation “Bringing Peace and Security Through Charity and Education” For tickets and inquiries, please contact: Ahmad – 019 2117942 Jabbar – 012 3851477 Or e-mail to Also available at all Saba Islamic Media outlets. more info at SPONSORSHIP AND DONATION are invited! For inquiries please call the Syed – 019 2456853! or bank-in to our Maybank account 5621 8810 1300 , IIC Development Sdn. Bhd. (plz call Syed for further action) - this is a non-profit event - COME and JOIN us...

To Have Peace With Israel?

A great friend of mine, Adilah Nasir, wrote: just a thought but the israelis blamed all reasons for their invasions and attacks and justification for building state israel because of the right to self-defence because throughout history, they have been discriminated and prosecuted against. So if israel gave the world an ultimatum, such as this: we'll stop all war, if you stop all forms of discrimination to us. which means malaysia, and most arab states must allow israelis into their country. will we do it for the sake of them middle east (esp palestine)? coz i'm not sure myself.. can anyone think of any bad repercussions? p/s: her blog can be found at my Special Blogs list at the lower right hand corner of this blog. adyLa reJected ********** my personal response ********** *note: i'm trying not to be or sound racist here...* ... The thing is, throughout history, everyone know that the Israelis don't hold to promises, pledges and even resolutions. I'm not good in pol...

nikmat kesihatan...

Bila nikmat kesihatan ditarik walaupun, ramai yang mula merungut dan berubah lemah. Hanya duduk senyap di rumah, melayan kesakitan - satu tindakan yang dipanggil berehat... Hehehe... Bukan tak boleh berehat kalau demam... Tapi rasa macam lagi best kalau dapat keluar bersenam dan berpeluh dengan sihat. Bila dah exhausted, balik rumah, take a good shower and sleep deeply. The next day, wake up early for prayers... Doa, doa dan doa, mohon diampunkan dosa-dosa dan salah silap, dengan izin Allah, badan akan terasa sihat semula dan diri akan bersedia untuk berjuang lagi... InsyaAllah... Peringatan buat diriku yang sering lupa... Peringatan buat diriku yang sering menzalimi amanah ini... Sahabat, Berilah peringatan kepadaku... p/s: sangat gembira dan sangat-sangat gembira, tiada lagi sengketa, tiada lagi perasaan yang sangat membebankan hati setiap kali teringat dan bertemu... ya Allah, terima kasih atas ujian ini, ujian yang sangat menguji kesabaran, ketabahan dan keteguhan dalam beriman...

Gambatte ne!

Started REAL SCHOOL this week! Ha! Ha! You guys must be wondering what do I mean by that -_-" I had my first programming quiz on Monday, received and submitted the assignment on Tuesday, forced myself to focus in physics class on Wednesday despite the damn headache throbbing, submitted my physics tutorial today (ya'ni Thursday) and next Monday (or is it Tuesday?) I'll be having physics quiz. Yeah, for the second time in four weeks, I really sat down to 'study'. Working on tutorials can still be called studying kan? Teruskan usaha! I also found out that Physics III is not boring. My roommate passed by my class a couple of times and commented that I really look like a good student focusing in class. Hmm... That sounds good. But, the fact is, in yesterday's class, I drew an elephant holding a present... And today I drew a horse with a rider beside him saying "I MISS RIDING!!!". Oh. I really miss horseback riding. So, back to the main topic, I'm tell...