
Showing posts from 2011

my graduation pics

alhamdulillah, finally! Bachelor of Engineering (Honors) in Computer Information & Electronics ( 2006 - 2010 )
if only the words were spoken with a more supportive tone and a helping hand, it would have made a whole lot of difference in where i am now physically mentally and emotionally.
i know why i'm here. i put my 101% into my tasks, and sometimes eat late and don't really get a break. and then i got scolded for not taking care of myself first. is that what i deserve?

there and back again...

Earlier this afternoon, a student greeted me and asked, "Teacher, Teacher ada blog kan?". I answered yes. And she said with a big grin, "Mak saya selalu tengok blog teacher.." A big "OOOOPS..." slipped out of my mouth. But thinking about it, I don't think there's anything to hide I guess. Of course parents would like to know what kind of teachers their students have in school, because other than parents themselves, teachers too play a huge role in being examplary to the students - which is definitely not easy. Anyway, today, I'm back again at the spot i was in about 5 months ago - preparing for students' report card pick-up - the point where I can barely move on with my pace because others are stuck with their work. However, this time, I'm truly grateful to Allah for he blessed me with a very cool, awesome, experienced and wise colleague. Subhanallah walhamdulillah wallahuakbar! Now I'm blogging in my car. I stepped out of o...


Published in Fikrah Adni 2010 (Adni Year Book) "Our responsibilities exceed the time that we have. So spend our time wisely..." Al-Syahid Imam Hasan Al-Banna 2010 might just be another year to many people, but to me it was a year that tested everything in me – my capability, strength, patience and so much more. Juggling responsibilities of a wife, a daughter, an engineering student and a da’ie had occupied every day of life since I got married in October 2008. I attended lectures and lab sessions during the day and sat down in usrahs and Islamic lectures during the night. Weekends are occupied with programs and organizational meetings. Time between those activities are spent with family, and helping my husband with his part-time business. Alhamdulillah, on 12th April 2010, Allah has blessed me and my husband with an adorable son. Another super huge responsibility now hangs upon my shoulders – to ensure the well-being of the baby and to provide everything he needs emotio...


that day when i couldn't get up due to migraine attack, my mom brought me to see a new doctor, a specialist in this blood thing - radiofrequency or something, i don't really remember because i was walking around like zombie during my visit there. i went there three times in july and august. during my first visit, the doctor had a general check-up on me and found that my right eye was trembling. so he scheduled me for an MRI. although i had it once when i was about 16. so i went for an MRI, which costs me my mom actually RM950! i had the results only on my third visit, and alhamdulillah there was nothing wrong in my brain. at least nothing visible to the naked eye via MRI. so the doctor diagnose my headache as migraine. to my disappointment, it seems like he doesn't have any interest in dealing with migraines. the doctor prescribed sibelium for me, but it doesn't help me much - actually, since my first visit i've never had any day free from headache. it's ei...

a big, huge test

23rd July 2011 I was down and depressed, exhausted and wondering --- How in the world could I possibly be a good mother??? I was not talking about being a GREAT mom, but simply a GOOD mom. And Allah had answered my question immediately. Ikram is now over 1 year and 3 months old, and I still have the feeling of not being able to adjust my whole life to become a mother to a child. To give the fullest and not to expect getting something in return is really difficult. Every day I wonder if I am giving my child all the attention he needs, or am I pampering him and spoiling him too much? I wonder if I should do all the daily chores with him - feeding, bathing, etc - or is it okay to let the maid help out with that from time to time? After a week of high fever (not including fever during the previous week and the week before) and what sounds like a very bad cough, Mujahid and I decided to bring Ikram to the hospital. It was midnight. We went to get a referral from a clinic nearby ou...


It has been such a hectic week and I'm now taking a pause, for the third time I guess, because it seems to be impractical to proceed on my own pace while others are stuck behind unable to meet their deadlines. The feeling is truly not a good one :( so here I am, blogging... I think it's already a month since I started working in Adni. I'm not teaching yet, well, not formally. I've been doing administrative stuff, which are not even close to computer or electronics engineering. Well, bits and pieces of things I do are related to computers and electronics, but not the engineering part. People always ask me if this is really the thing I wanted to do, and if so why did I ever get myself into the trouble of studying engineering. Well, it's surely going to be a long explanation, but I guess in simple words I would say: It's the process of learning that makes one a person, regardless of the subject major. Well, actually it counts but it's not a very big deal. I had...


My first experience being an English teacher was just AWESOME. Initially I hesitated as my English is not very good compared to many of my friends, and I've never really taught students properly.. Yeah I've coached TaeKwon-Do since I was 13-14 but the idea of teaching English is totally different. Teaching others something you're not really good at... And teaching Thai students with differnet levels of English... umphh... but I agreed to do it, nevertheless, plus it's only for a month.. It's a good thing that I teamed up with Mubina **credits to her!** so teaching and 'organizing' the English camp was great---even though I got attacked with fever, flu & migraine throughout the camp. So as I said, it was a great experience. Love my students :D:D:D:D:D each of them have their own way of learning and expressing things. here's a picture of us taken during our trip to Genting Highlands standing from left: me - amnan - nasran - sofron - ammal - anas - nafe...

the little adventurer~

This is the boy who's growing up so fast! suka sangat masuk dalam bakul / kotak ... and splash and splash and splash!!! tapi geli nak pijak rumput huhu... "nak!" Ikram's trademark when he was about 1 year old playing happily. mula2 takut buat gradually get used to the overwhelming pool of balls

IkramY's favourite

SPLASHING!!! Kalau kat pool or sungai takpe,.. tapi Kalau time mandi, memang basah kuyup la mama or 'makcik kecik' aka Humaira yg suka tolong mandikan ikram :) Ikram now loves to play passing game. bagi kita barang, pastu dia mintak balik.. huhuhu.. layan~~ Ya Allah, please grant us health, and make this baby boy grow up healthy... Ameen~ *** Ikram mode demam... orang kata sbb tumbuh gigi... orang kata sbb nak pandai jalan... apa pun, turn to Allah ***

10 months!

time passes by so fast n Ikram has turned 10 months few days ago! few days before he turned 10 months, he took 3 small steps while trying to balance himself ^__^ it was so cute, believe me! Baba n Mama got very excited! hehehe...

the fate of migraineurs...?

"your boss might understand you because they're your dad and brother, but not all your colleagues will feel the same way" my dad suggests that it would be best for me to work on my own, i.e. have my own company or something because if i'm stuck not being able to do anything for one day then i won't be holding anyone back with their work.. alhamdulillah, it's great that i have the choice and inshaAllah ability to decide my career path. many other migraineurs are stuck with bosses and colleagues and even family members who does not understand their pain!

sapu habuk lagi...

Oh I’ve not been blogging for ages! 1 month passed since I started my industrial training, and I tell you, it’s really cracking my brain out. But very fortunately and Alhamdulillah, I’ve only get two days of migraine attacks since then. My boss (my elder brother actually) told me to get a medical leave slip a.k.a. mc for myself, but I had to tell him that I never get mc’s for having migraines. It’s either I cannot afford to get up to see a doctor, or the doctor would simply give me painkillers with assumption that the migraine will go away and thus no mc is needed. What a pity to migraine sufferers, isn’t it??? Anyways, I am right now doing my industrial training in Kapar, Kelang, which is waaay far from home. It’s a good thing that I do not have to drive :) FYI, I actually planned to do my industrial training somewhere near home but my brother insisted that I should help on some project in Dad’s factory… so here I am, having practically FOUR supervisors looking after my progress. Apar...