sapu habuk lagi...
Oh I’ve not been blogging for ages!
1 month passed since I started my industrial training, and I tell you, it’s really cracking my brain out. But very fortunately and Alhamdulillah, I’ve only get two days of migraine attacks since then. My boss (my elder brother actually) told me to get a medical leave slip a.k.a. mc for myself, but I had to tell him that I never get mc’s for having migraines. It’s either I cannot afford to get up to see a doctor, or the doctor would simply give me painkillers with assumption that the migraine will go away and thus no mc is needed.
What a pity to migraine sufferers, isn’t it???
Anyways, I am right now doing my industrial training in Kapar, Kelang, which is waaay far from home. It’s a good thing that I do not have to drive :) FYI, I actually planned to do my industrial training somewhere near home but my brother insisted that I should help on some project in Dad’s factory… so here I am, having practically FOUR supervisors looking after my progress. Apart from working on java programming for the factory management system – which I never learnt in IIUM! , I’m assigned to do some tasks from Purchasing Department. The part I think I would hate most is to deal with suppliers – will start on that soon. Ughh… I’ve been working with machines and processors for years, so you know how awkward I feel.
Working far from home – like 1 hour drive away – means I go home late. Kesian Ikram. He sleeps quite early, like 8.30 or 9 p.m. so Mujahid and I only have a couple of hours to play with him, if we don’t have to attend programs during the night. If we have to, the little boy will come with us.
Oh that little boy is growing up well, and he’s super active! He just turned 9 months and now likes to climb up the stairs or stand up while holding onto something/someone. He wants to run if we try to teach him to stand or walk. He won’t sit still for a minute in the car, especially when I am in the car! It’s really hard for me to drive and not having him cry in the car seat, especially at night. All the way I would have to sing for him and make some hand movements to distract him.
That is Mama’s precious little boy!

Baba have been abroad for nearly 5 days already, and he’s coming back tomorrow. Ikram just know that he’s not home. He was behaving well and sleeping soundly at night for the first few days, only calling out for Baba few times when he was playing or before going to sleep. But last night he cried with his eyes still closed, “babababa…”, just like when Baba got warded for a week last month… He was crying every night and wanted to stick with me all the time. This time we told him few days before Baba flew off and it seems like he understands. But maybe now he’s already missing Baba badly so he starts crying…
Oh Ikram, I wish I could spend more time with you. But Allah knows best and He has the best plans for us ^__^
1 month passed since I started my industrial training, and I tell you, it’s really cracking my brain out. But very fortunately and Alhamdulillah, I’ve only get two days of migraine attacks since then. My boss (my elder brother actually) told me to get a medical leave slip a.k.a. mc for myself, but I had to tell him that I never get mc’s for having migraines. It’s either I cannot afford to get up to see a doctor, or the doctor would simply give me painkillers with assumption that the migraine will go away and thus no mc is needed.
What a pity to migraine sufferers, isn’t it???
Anyways, I am right now doing my industrial training in Kapar, Kelang, which is waaay far from home. It’s a good thing that I do not have to drive :) FYI, I actually planned to do my industrial training somewhere near home but my brother insisted that I should help on some project in Dad’s factory… so here I am, having practically FOUR supervisors looking after my progress. Apart from working on java programming for the factory management system – which I never learnt in IIUM! , I’m assigned to do some tasks from Purchasing Department. The part I think I would hate most is to deal with suppliers – will start on that soon. Ughh… I’ve been working with machines and processors for years, so you know how awkward I feel.
Working far from home – like 1 hour drive away – means I go home late. Kesian Ikram. He sleeps quite early, like 8.30 or 9 p.m. so Mujahid and I only have a couple of hours to play with him, if we don’t have to attend programs during the night. If we have to, the little boy will come with us.
Oh that little boy is growing up well, and he’s super active! He just turned 9 months and now likes to climb up the stairs or stand up while holding onto something/someone. He wants to run if we try to teach him to stand or walk. He won’t sit still for a minute in the car, especially when I am in the car! It’s really hard for me to drive and not having him cry in the car seat, especially at night. All the way I would have to sing for him and make some hand movements to distract him.
That is Mama’s precious little boy!
Baba have been abroad for nearly 5 days already, and he’s coming back tomorrow. Ikram just know that he’s not home. He was behaving well and sleeping soundly at night for the first few days, only calling out for Baba few times when he was playing or before going to sleep. But last night he cried with his eyes still closed, “babababa…”, just like when Baba got warded for a week last month… He was crying every night and wanted to stick with me all the time. This time we told him few days before Baba flew off and it seems like he understands. But maybe now he’s already missing Baba badly so he starts crying…
Oh Ikram, I wish I could spend more time with you. But Allah knows best and He has the best plans for us ^__^