3 weeks of hols....... o_0"
Subhanallah wAlhamdulillah wAllahuAkbar..
Dah abis exam ^__^"
i won't comment anything about the exams, my carry marks, and all that's relevant to them, because it's really complicated...
i'll just pray that i'll get the very best result i deserve for my effort n all...
But all I can say is --- I studied UNTIL the very last minute but with enough rest, i guess. alhamdulillah the visitor didn't came and stormed inside my head while I was facing my exams. yeah it came but just for a while and didn't hurt much.
but it's really not nice when it came like mad immediately after my final paper. i thought of sleeping that night but couldn't. so i called a friend and we went out for a really nice treat ^_^"
utk semua yang masih bertungkus-lumus menghadapi exam, saya doakan anda semua berjaya dengan cemerlang! fight until the 'war' ends! NEVER NEVER GIVE UP!
hmm... 3 weeks of hols!
now, what am i going to do???
mom said i gotta help out with my eldest bro's wedding in June. It'll be on the 2nd, but the kenduri on my side will be on the 30th of June. B-coz--- everyone's busy bUsy BUSY...
and yeah, I plan to have a great trip to somewhere before the 30th... ^_^
* berdoa dan terus berdoa semoga dimurahkan rezeki... *
and yeah, of course I have some plans for this hols, although not as packed as it used to be...
Subhanallah wAlhamdulillah wAllahuAkbar..
Dah abis exam ^__^"
i won't comment anything about the exams, my carry marks, and all that's relevant to them, because it's really complicated...
i'll just pray that i'll get the very best result i deserve for my effort n all...
But all I can say is --- I studied UNTIL the very last minute but with enough rest, i guess. alhamdulillah the visitor didn't came and stormed inside my head while I was facing my exams. yeah it came but just for a while and didn't hurt much.
but it's really not nice when it came like mad immediately after my final paper. i thought of sleeping that night but couldn't. so i called a friend and we went out for a really nice treat ^_^"
utk semua yang masih bertungkus-lumus menghadapi exam, saya doakan anda semua berjaya dengan cemerlang! fight until the 'war' ends! NEVER NEVER GIVE UP!
hmm... 3 weeks of hols!
now, what am i going to do???
mom said i gotta help out with my eldest bro's wedding in June. It'll be on the 2nd, but the kenduri on my side will be on the 30th of June. B-coz--- everyone's busy bUsy BUSY...
and yeah, I plan to have a great trip to somewhere before the 30th... ^_^
* berdoa dan terus berdoa semoga dimurahkan rezeki... *
and yeah, of course I have some plans for this hols, although not as packed as it used to be...
*** smiles all the way, thanks Allah for a very colourful life! ***
ya Allah...
please listen to my prayers and grant me the best, if not in this world, let it be in the Hereafter...
sibuknya bulan june... tak gi misi la ek? :D