tagged with an award~
1. Copy award di atas dan letakkan di blog anda.
2. Nyatakan 5 fakta menarik tentang pemberi award ni..
FanaHikari a.k.a. Paan
- sangat terpengaruh dgn semua yg berkaitan dgn Jepun
- is clever, cuma bnyk sgt tengok citer :P
- terer men pingpong ^__^
- suka merempit dgn berhati-hati
- adalah seorang kakak sulung yg garang.. huwahwa~~
- very happy and fortunate to be married to the guy she loves most~
- cracking her brain to survive another 3 semesters of CIE Engineering with the best grade she deserves from God
- loves to eat, and forces herself not to skip meals during times when she doesn't feel like eating
- really loves to travel and appreciates nature, and a little of historical stuff
- still tend to always procrastinate.. uff..
- still tired of migraines, but really grateful for the recent 2 months of just plain, mild headaches
- not very fond of gadgets. the things she owns are sufficient to suit her lifestyle
- not really into TaeKwon-Do anymore, but still remembers that her main goal of going this far is to train other girls how to defend themselves.. thus she can't quit
- doesn't really like doing businesses. but whether she likes it or not, business seems to run in the family blood
- wants to try the recipes in the Little Big Cook Book which she bought at the book fair, but only managed to get her hands on one
- of course, my significant other, Mujahid
- and all those who wish to receive this award ^__^ jangan malu-malu nominate diri sendiri yehh..