
Showing posts from January, 2011

the fate of migraineurs...?

"your boss might understand you because they're your dad and brother, but not all your colleagues will feel the same way" my dad suggests that it would be best for me to work on my own, i.e. have my own company or something because if i'm stuck not being able to do anything for one day then i won't be holding anyone back with their work.. alhamdulillah, it's great that i have the choice and inshaAllah ability to decide my career path. many other migraineurs are stuck with bosses and colleagues and even family members who does not understand their pain!

sapu habuk lagi...

Oh I’ve not been blogging for ages! 1 month passed since I started my industrial training, and I tell you, it’s really cracking my brain out. But very fortunately and Alhamdulillah, I’ve only get two days of migraine attacks since then. My boss (my elder brother actually) told me to get a medical leave slip a.k.a. mc for myself, but I had to tell him that I never get mc’s for having migraines. It’s either I cannot afford to get up to see a doctor, or the doctor would simply give me painkillers with assumption that the migraine will go away and thus no mc is needed. What a pity to migraine sufferers, isn’t it??? Anyways, I am right now doing my industrial training in Kapar, Kelang, which is waaay far from home. It’s a good thing that I do not have to drive :) FYI, I actually planned to do my industrial training somewhere near home but my brother insisted that I should help on some project in Dad’s factory… so here I am, having practically FOUR supervisors looking after my progress. Apar...