
Showing posts from November, 2014

Recipe: Home-made Play-Doh!

Ingredients:- 2 cups flour ½ cup salt 2 tbsp oil 2 tbsp cream of tartar 1½ cup boiling water Steps:- 1. Mix everything except boiling water 2. Add boiling water, a little at a time 3. Separate dough and add different colouring

Recipe: Basboussa

Basboussa is a very famous Arab dessert, particularly in Palestine and Jordan :) - belum ada gambar jugak - Ingredients:- 1 cup sugee flour 1 cup multipurpose flour 1 cup vegetable oil 1 cup plain yogurt 1 cup dried coconut flakes 1 cup sugar optional: 1 or 2 eggs + vanilla essence Sugar syrup Steps:- 1. Mix all the ingredients 2. Pour mixture into Pyrex 3. Bake at 180 degrees Celsius until golden brown. 4. For the sugar syrup: Dissolve some sugar into water over heat.

Recipe: Nestum Pudding

-sorry belum ada gambar- Ingredients:- 225g cream cheese ½ can condensed milk cream crackers Milk (any kind of milk: fresh/full cream/low fat/etc) Nestum Steps:- 1. Crunch the cream crackers and level it at the bottom of the container. 2. Soak in milk 3. Mix the cream cheese and condensed milk 4. Once the crackers are slightly soggy, spread a thin layer of the mixture of cheese & condense milk on top of the cream crackers. 5. Spread a thin layer of Nestum above it. Repeat Step 4 and Step 5 once or twice. 6. Refrigerate overnight.