
Showing posts from May, 2013

Day 14 with baby Irfan

Subhanallah walhamdulillah wallahuakbar! Day 14 of having another bundle of joy in my life. Subhanallah. He was born on 12th May 2013 @ 11.28 a.m. in Hospital Ampang, weighing 3.74 kg and 51 cm. Yes, alhamdulillah I managed to normally deliver this boy to this world, of course with Allah's grace.. Labour pain was really painful, I can still remember that time. Contractions started at 7 a.m. Saturday, got to 7-9 minutes gap only 12 hours later, and I went into labour room at 6.30 a.m. the next day. I was exhausted by that time, and couldn't help myself but fall asleep between those painful contraction pain! At one point, I even asked for epidural but it was a Sunday and the specialist doctor was not around... So... Around 5 hours later, this little lad  came into this world ^_^