
Showing posts from January, 2012

feel like crying ... again ...

i still have no idea how mothers juggle work and house chores. many told me, learn from your mom. but for some silent reasons, that just doesn't work!

chicken pox attack !!!

today is the 6th day. the dots are drying up, which is a good sign. but i guess its more itchy than the past few days.. poor little boy. but alhamdulillah, Ikram manage to communicate his needs nowadays. he'll point where he's feeling itchy here and there, he can say "mama, sakit pewut..." and more. he talks a lot these days and he loves to sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star! ada orang comment: SAGE MODE !! hahaha~ see! why on the third day of attack i was doubting whether it was really chicken pox or something more nasty. today he's itching badly, and tantrum since 5 a.m. in the morning.. syafakallah..

public speaking

Do you remember your first experience standing in front doing public speaking or a presentation? I do, mine was horrible, and I decided that it will be one of the top three things i will hate for the rest of my life. I remember standing up on the small stage in front of nearly a hundred of my schoolmates and teachers with absolute nervousness. As much as I wanted to show total confidence, both of my hands trembled, one holding the microphone and the other holding a piece of paper. I am sure I saw the youngest of my classmate who stood right in front of me grinned as he saw how nervous I was. I was a school prefect back then, and it was compulsory for each of us to take turns giving tazkirah during the school assembly on Mondays. I do not remember what was I talking about, but I obviously did not deliver a good talk. And I decided, I hate speaking in public. As I grow up, small training sessions come in my way, but informally. I received my Black Belt TaeKwon-Do degree and ...