health retreat, day 3

Today was quite a challenge for me. I woke up feeling about, hmm... shall I say, maybe about 75% of myself compared to yesterday.

I think I had a good night sleep, but maybe something went wrong somewhere. I remember half-waking several times during the night finding a position that will allow blood to flow regularly to my hands and feet. I get that nearly every night, you know, the 'semut-semut' feeling...

Anyways, my head was also quite dizzy, so I did not join the morning walk which I wanted to actually do.

My tummy has also been grumbling the whole day. Both detox session didn't went good for me too *cries*. Nevertheless, I'm not giving up!


Kasih Sayang Health Resort & Spa

Oh, before I forgot. I told you we are having several health talks, right? This morning it was all about organic plants and fruits and identifying good foods and all the nutritional information comes in. Dr. Lynn was mentioning about how pesticides have successfully controlled our plants from insects' attacks.. And to really think about it, even insects which do not have brains KNOW that pesticides - the chemical ones - are harmful! So they dare not eat the leaves and fruits of which are soil-injected or sprayed with pesticides. Only we, humans with brains, are DUMB enough to consume all those chemicals!

Among all 30 participants, only 2 of us - Showen & I - are in our 20's, and the all others at have experienced life for at least half a century. Sam, our main speaker besides Dr. Lynn, is few months younger than myself.

In the afternoon, Showen & I wanted to visit a small farm down the road. We went with another lady, but we couldn't find the owner of the garden. And, the funniest thing of all, all 3 of us didn't want to go into the garden and search for the owner because there were few dogs sleeping. Both of my new friends had bad experience with dogs and I have to admit that I don't have the guts to go near dogs. I mean, I don't run away or hide behind someone else when I see them, but listening to all kinds of stories tell me to just stay on guard :P

Another true joke we all laughed our tummy out today was about worms. Wise people, both by experience and age, here all agreed that last time it was normal for someone to pass worms from the back. Um, you know what I mean, don't you? The uncle said, however nowadays, it's very rare for people to pass worms. We are all taking so much chemicals and unhealthy food that even worms cannot survive in a tummy full of those harmful things! Hahaha!!! *I hope you do get the point here :P* Actually someone did pass a big worm today! Yucks! But we should thank God it's actually out of our digestive system!

It's night now, and I'm preparing myself to go to sleep, but my tummy isn't feeling good. Now I'm practically 'detoxifying' without any aid. I hope it doesn't lead to dirrheoa...

Way to goooo :D

Oh, I forgot to mention, my head cleared off once again earlier this evening after another not-so-successful detox session.

Ummi, inshaAllah, I can feel I'm getting better, inshaAllah!

Peak of Mt Kinabalu above the afternoon clouds, subhanallah!


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