aktiviti cuti

i was craving for pudding sagu masa final exam haritu.. in the end kena buat sendiri pulak.. hoho~

ni utk Tahirah, my cute cuszy yg dah balik ke US hari ni..
kesian awak Terra, tolong buat tapi tak dapat makan..
haa nah ni utk orang diet jugak =P

ikut resepi buku hehe..
ingredients: sagu, air, gula melaka dikisar & dicairkan, santan pekat (fresh!), daun pandan.
haaa sikit je kan, itu je! memang senang!

oh btw, plz nOte that 'santan' or coconut milk, is good for your health! no cholestrol, good fat, etc. u can google if u r interested to know more..
(bcoz i've received several e-mails saying it's not good bla bla~)


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