An epilogue

Subhanallah. A major chapter of my life has finally come to an end, officially. It has been a long struggle of trying to balance things out and figuring what works best. But we humans are simply just tiny helpless beings, who seem to blindly seek control of our worldly lives, while Allah the Almighty has other plans. Things have not been easy, and I reckon that it will not be any easier in the future. Life will continue as is, and new challenges will surely come. But at least, inshaAllah, there is now peace and I could put aside and leave the baggage of guilt and worries that I've been carrying for many years. Alhamdulillah, despite the pain and chaos, there are treasures that I can hold on to, and I pray to Allah to allow me to keep them close to me. Now it's time to embark on a new healing journey and start writing a new chapter, inshaAllah. May Allah forgive us, accept our decision, guide us and pull us closer to Him and His jannah. Ameen.