Published in Fikrah Adni 2010 (Adni Year Book) "Our responsibilities exceed the time that we have. So spend our time wisely..." Al-Syahid Imam Hasan Al-Banna 2010 might just be another year to many people, but to me it was a year that tested everything in me – my capability, strength, patience and so much more. Juggling responsibilities of a wife, a daughter, an engineering student and a da’ie had occupied every day of life since I got married in October 2008. I attended lectures and lab sessions during the day and sat down in usrahs and Islamic lectures during the night. Weekends are occupied with programs and organizational meetings. Time between those activities are spent with family, and helping my husband with his part-time business. Alhamdulillah, on 12th April 2010, Allah has blessed me and my husband with an adorable son. Another super huge responsibility now hangs upon my shoulders – to ensure the well-being of the baby and to provide everything he needs emotio...