
Showing posts from March, 2008

too much mistakes..

making too much mistakes just make you prone to making more mistakes and not feeling very, very guilty about them never mind my english. do you agree? i mean, umm.. i don't know if you guys understand this. because i don't know who else in this whole wide world make mistakes as often as i do T__T someone just told me this afternoon, it's okay to make mistakes. i agree! and of course, learn from those mistakes.. yes, it's easy to learn, but it's certainly not easy to change the way you do things everyday.. me & carelessness --> still awfully inseperable ** because I just did another mistake!! **

Biarkan Aku Jadi Orang Palestin!

Alhamdulillah ^__^ buku ini sudah berada di pasaran sekarang RM 15 "Biarkan Aku Jadi Orang Palestin" adalah sebuah buku kompilasi cerpen dan sajak berkaitan dengan Palestin, hasil penulisan orang ramai yang turut merasai penderitaan dan perjuangan mereka di sana. (selenggaraan JIM Media & KARISMA International) for purchase, please contact:- 012-207 6797 (Mujahid) or 019-774 9201 (Azree) Pihak KARISMA International mohon jutaan kemaafan kepada semua yang terunggu-tunggu keluaran buku ini sejak beberapa bulan lepas.. *******------------------------******* Kami juga membuka RUANG untuk ANDA hantar cerpen, sajak dan sebagainya untuk dimuatkan di dalam buku antologi Palestin seterusnya jom menulis untuk Palestin !

i need a break!

The Part of You That No One Sees You are unique, witty, and even a little snobby. You're quite proud of who you are, and nothing is going to change that. You've paved your own way in life, and you've ended up where you want to be. Underneath it all, you feel very isolated from the rest of the world. It's hard to find people to relate to you on every level. The mundane interests of your friends and family often bore or depress you. What's the Part of You That No One Sees? haha.. rasa macam 1 or 2 je yg betul..

m a d n e s s

had a terrible nightmare again last night trembled and cried got insane for a couple of hours until darkness disappear now i can't focus on my studies and exams . really . . c a n ' t . . . F O C U S pray that i shall be strong.. pray that Allah give me strength to fight..

kesian Sara my li'l sis.. huhu..

Sara just knew Ahmad & Kak Nadia's baby (still in d tummy~) is a boy.. she screamed "Noooooooooo!!!!!!!!" and cried .. huhu.. kesian dia.. tapi pape pun, alhamdulillah, all praises be to Allah for this beautiful huge family~


the 'smell' of the coming final examination is very strong.. and it's giving me head+stomach-aches T__T my examingitis kit:- 1. basic stationaries 2. scientific calculator 3. my spectacles 4. laptop - certain subjects 5. al-qur'an 6. mentos mint 7. charcoal tablets huhuhu~ it's not just flying butterflies but they're breeding in my stomach!!! my Final Exam Schedule:- 25 March - Ethics & Fiqh 28 March - Multimedia Technology 3 April - Electronic Circuit 4 April - Digital Logic Design 6 April - Circuit Analysis not as bad as last semester's schedule... but wuuu T__T exams always give me a nervous stomach! therefore - don't just think about exams.. you can do other things beneficial for the ummah ^__^ such as... 22 March (morning-noon) - meeting & planning for remaining year of 2008 22 March (night) - public lecture in IIUM Cenfos PJ by Mufti of Al-Quds @ Grand Imam of Masjid al-Aqsa, 8pm weehee ^__^ jom pegi beramai-ramai! penuhkan al-malik faisal...

langkah pejuang

Allahumma solli 'ala Muhammad wa 'ala aalih wa sahbih.. kadang-kadang terasa pelik tak, bila kita boleh admire boleh respect, boleh sanjung orang yang kita langsung tak pernah jumpa.. utk yang beruntung, dari kecik kita dengar cikgu-cikgu di sekolah terus-menerus dan sentiasa 'brain-wash' fikiran kita supaya mencintai Rasulullah & ikut sunnah baginda.. frankly speaking, the 'brain-washing' didn't turn up very well.. sampailah Teacher Azrinah mengajar Islamic Studies (one of the very few subjects I scored for my IGCSE).. I started to like the seerah of our beloved Prophet Muhammad ( sallallahu alayhi wasallam ).. ye lah, obviously, coz the seerah was really interesting (i'm not fond of the world history though).. tapi personally masih tak dapat nak 'link'-kan diri sendiri as an individual who have never seen Rasulullah to love him and follow him.. i bought and read thick books on seerah merely because of the keen interest i have, but sudden...

some stories

Story 1: i have this not-so-often habit of sleeping when i'm eating. one day i was so tired studying for an exam, i accidentally slept while i was eating my lunch alone. i woke up coz i nearly fell off the chair. i looked at my food and my fish was gone ! i was shocked! i looked around in confusion and i saw some sambal at a nearby window. a cat has stolen my fish for lunch . so i gave away the whole remaining half-polystyrene of my lunch Story 2: *with some corrections* my eldest sister is 8-month pregnant ^__^ my li'l sis Sara asked Kakak "is it a boy or a girl?" kakak said "a boy" and my big bro Ahmad's baby is also boy nsyaAllah Sara replied "Nooooo! Not another male!" (coz Sara & Raneem are the only li'l girls in our family.. versus 6 boys..) Ilyas, Sara's younger brother suddenly cut off the conversation "Of course we need another male because Raneem is a terror! " hahaha.. kesian Raneem.. O__o" i really pray th...

Phuket March 2008

the welcoming sunset - 7th March 2008 subhanallah!! a trip of 24 members of JM Family ^__^ Abah Ummi AcikYati AuntieMimi Atok Lola Ahmad KakNadia Nihlah Atiqah Basma Deena Saleh Musa Harun Adam Sara Ilyas Raneem Ismail Ishaq Ibrahim KakSeh KakAmah Laya Lina Hotel (guess how many star.. ada jacuzzi!) Phuket Beach !! subhanallah!! 1st night dinner-time. Tom Yam Seafood ^__^ Basma & I were the last to leave the table jumps off the boat - Tikki & Basma & Nela then swim swim from the boat to the beach.. at least 500m i guess snorkeling day.. feed the fishes some bread.. oh subhanallah it was great! tired but more than satisfied ^__^ going up onto the boat again the gigantic jelly fish!! more than 1 feet diamater!! kitorang kelam kabut naik boat sbb takut huhu Me & Basma - at 'James Bond Island' (why that name ?? i have no idea) again dua orang ni paling last masuk boat coz our tummy got soOo full with tomyam ^__^ **Basma & I loves to eat hehe..** this Muslim ...

sekitar P R U & sesudahnya

hoho.. semua orang sedang sibuk dengan Pilihan Raya Umum yg akan berlangsung beberapa hari lagi... saya ??? -__-" tak cukup bulan huhu!! lagipun, tarikh mengundi clash dengan aktiviti lain yang telah dirancang sejak pertengahan tahun lepas.. saya akan berada di luar Malaysia selama 4 hari, nsyaAllah.. tapi, kenapa saya tak melibatkan diri langsung ??? huhuhu... secara jujur, saya rasa seperti tak boleh nak maafkan diri sendiri... sebab satu-satunya alasan saya adalah : exams + projects wuuuu..... i'm feeling soo terrible... T__T saya doakan yang terbaik buat calonĀ² PRU yang memperjuangkan Islam dan juga sahabatĀ² yang terlibat.. semoga Allah memberkati usaha antum dan memberi sebaik-baik ganjaran.. berazam : nak melibatkan diri di masa akan datang.. masa tu patut dah grad degree CIE ameen!! huhu~ tapi tak berpeluang merasa pengalaman penglibatan masa masih study.. 7 Mac - Multimedia Project submission 8 Mac - out & away~~~ 11 Mac - back home 13 Mac - quiz Electronics 15 Ma...